**** DONE: GB-38 1:48 MiG-3 (early) - Axis A/C

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Thanks guys. I may have solved my clear flat issue. While rooting around for something else I found a bottle of Citadel Color Mat Varnish. HOWEVER.....I can't for the life of me remember when I bought it nor can I find it online. Gluing on the fiddly bits now though I doubt I'll get it done before camp. I bought some Tamiya bendy tape online and would like to try it for the multi-colored spinner. Should be here when I get out of camp
Thanks Terry. On it's feet, or foot. Struts and doors glued in place and press fitting the wheels. The left side almost needed a hammer to get into place and there it will stay. The right side is a good fit and will require glue.

Thanks gents. On finals now, I may make it before camp bus tomorrow. Trumpeter has an odd way of dealing with the wing-tip lights, at least I don't recall any others attached this way before.

My plan is to let the paint dry, remove the entire sprue below the numbers, crazy glue the lights to the wings, remove the stub when the glue has set, clean up the attachment points and then touch up the paint..................my plan
Would have made sense had I looked at them through my visor magnifier. They actually mount at the attachment side.....................PING!!!!!
I'll deal with them when I get home. 3hrs until camp bus, have a good week gents.

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