**** DONE: GB-47 1:72 Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIc - WW2 D-Day and After - Western Front

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Looks the biz Glenn.
A bit late now, but the horizontal frame on the windscreen sides looks a bit low. I'm guessing it's an error in the moulding design.
An hour and a half spent masking, ten minuets painting, and a half hour pulling off the masks and here's what you get.
I did try to fix the windscreen frame that Terry mentioned, but don't know how well it will work out though.
Now tomorrow I have to the same thing to do all over again with the Mustang.

In this picture and the decal profile show tanks under the wings. They looked different from the standard 109 gal tanks I'm use to seeing so I thought I'd give a shot at making some.

I started with a pair of 109 gal tanks from an old Mustang model and reshaped them. The one on top is the unmodified one

I made the pylons out of sheet plastic built up and shaped with various files'

Pylons and tanks joined together. The profile shows the tanks being Medium Sea Gray while the tone of them in the photo looks closer to the white in the invasion stripes.
Does anyone know the color they should be painted?

They'll pass muster, good work Glenn. Perhaps a little wide in diameter, as they were "long and thin", being only 44 gal, but they should look OK once in place. Alternatively, i think there may still be a resin set available in this scale.
Not sure about the colour. When in normal use, they would be either MSG or "Aluminium and I've seen what appears to be both on the "Mail" Hurricanes.
In the pic posted, the one under the port wing seems to be black, with the starboard probably white, therefore matching the AEAF stripes, which would make sense, as otherwise the tanks could obscure the stripes sufficiently enough to lead to misidentification, the Hurricane at that period not being exactly common.
The drawing below shows the shape of the 44 Imp Gal tank and pylon (not to any scale, enlarged from a smaller drawing).
I'm not sure, but these tanks may have been adapted as containers for carrying the mail etc - I have the info somewhere, but so far, I can't find it !!!

Still can't find the info mentioned above in the previous post, but here's a clearer pic of the 44 Gal tanks ( original source unknow, possibly BAC/BAe).


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