Simply stunning work, Andy. I really don't know if I have the patience to try the painted on crosses and numbers myself. I really enjoyed reading your process and everything was an educational read.
Dangly bits are on. Hasegawa provides separate parts for the LE slats, flaps, and radiator louvres so I took advantage of all that to pose them open. The undercarriage is obviously in place but the tires will await the flat coat. On the spine of the fuselage can be seen a small bulge. This is for the D/F loop which went flying as I cut off the kit part's loop and so I replaced it with a Spitfire clear nav light painted 83. The loop will be made of foil and added later. There's one small area of the camo that I need to touch up before the flat coat goes on so I'll be delayed a bit yet.
Forgot to mention that I masked and painted some buff-coloured strips on the wing tip seams to represent the tape seen on many K-4s to prevent moisture getting in. Thanks for looking.
Thanks again. Drop tank assembly glued in place and everything "flat" coated. I gotta say, I'm really warming up to Tamiya's semi gloss clear coat.
Drop tank in place. The area around the ETC rack will receive a lot more dirt and grime in the days to come. The drop tank is from my spares but I'm beginning to wonder if it's appropriate for the timeframe. Does anyone know when the various shapes of tanks were used? Is this one kosher?
The two drain tubes mentioned earlier have now been added. These are brass tube. Thanks for looking and if anyone knows the answer to the drop tank question, please chime in.