I can feel your pain Geo - even after my recent medication treatment, standing and walking is still difficult, and getting up / down stairs is as dreaded nightmare. I'm also still having some attacks of inflammation / mild pain in the hands, wrists and fingers, and although nowhere near as severe as it has been, its prevented me getting much done on the Mossie this last 24 hours, so I understand how you feel.
I've just had a touch over half a bottle of pain killer, a rather nice, fruity red wine, and about to have an early night and hope things ease off. !
Regarding the magazine article I mentioned, it might have been in another modelling mag, or maybe even an aviation mag, such as "Flypast" - I do know it wasn't in "Airfix Magazine", although it might have been in one of the Airfix on-line articles.
I know I did keep all the magazines with "interesting" features, profiles etc,, but I fear it's now included in a solid block of "paper brick", which was once a pile of magazines stored in a carboard box, which was soaked when I had a flood from the water system header tank !