**** DONE: GB-49 1:48 Spitfire Mk.I (EARLY) - Favourite A/C of WWII

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Thanks all. Bottom decals, which are all stencils in this case are on. Airfix included white ones for the black side which is nice. From references these were either included on the real aircraft or maybe they weren't. I likes 'em so I included them. Proven wrong, I can correct it with a few swipes of the brush

Top side will be done shortly. Airfix is a bit off with regards to fuselage codes/roundels locations. The right side shot is said to be WZ⦿H but it could also be a "U"

Looking good Geo.
I'm a bit late with these, but here's some detail pics of the World's oldest Spitfire, the Mk.1 at RAFM Cosford.
Note the "post" sight on the cowling, with the ring sight in the cockpit, and the insulator ( possibly flexible mount ? ) at the base of the aerial mast.

Thanks Terry. No provision for the ring and bead site unfortunately and I can see the ring in my photo. I can add black paint to the base of the antenna mast though. Squadron code and roundel to add and the decals are done
Decals are complete. Had a slight suicidal thought; the other boxing also has an early Spitfire and maybe it had a ring and bead sight. This would have involved prying off the CA'd canopy and windscreen but thankfully they weren't there either. Odd that Airfix would miss this. On a happy note, Airfix did include the the bottom of the antenna as shown in Terry's photo above. Waiting for the decals to dry and then I'll clear coat them and then flat coat the model. In the meantime I'll start decals on tother

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