**** DONE: GB-51 1/48 IAI Nesher - No Propellers

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looks great Wayne.

is there a reason you've decalled, panel lined and glossed before painting the topsides ?

Well, cause i can...:) i wanted to see if those triangle decals would fit correctly around the raised detail, and they did so i just decided to keep going, once the Pastel work is done it should be sealed with Gloss or with handling you loose some of it so kept going, more decals applied down under too....
Doesn't affect the top side work so its good to get a stage completed....pics tomorrow.

those pics of the extra lower surface decals applied.....
58_Lower Decals_9144.jpg
59_Lower Decals_9145.jpg
60_Lower Decals_9149.jpg
Thanks Guys.
have gone over both the Brown and the green with lighter versions.....after looking at a bunch of pics I thought my initial Brown was a bit too dark and reddish and the Green a little too bright....so toned them down a bit, happier with the change....just need to touch up the edges with sand colour as both the brown and green didn't quite give me a tight feathering the second time around....

72_Lighter Green Overspray_9210.jpg
73_Lighter Green Overspray_9204.jpg
74_Lighter Green Overspray_9206.jpg
75_Lighter Green Overspray_9208.jpg

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