**** DONE: GB-54 1/48 Nakajima B5N2 Kate - Pacific Theatre

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Time to up the pace here, been chippin' away with progress, cockpit paint, dry brushing and pastels applied....times 2
10_Cockpit Paint & Pastel_0581.jpg
11_Cockpit Paint & Pastel-0652.jpg
Beautiful choice. I never get tired of building this plane. It has a certain graceful elegant look to it.
Okay Wayne, I give..................... tapping the matt three times.
What colours do you use for you I.P.'s???????????
Tamiya Matt Black base colour then a drybrush of XF-19 Sky Grey, highlight dials and such with either Sky Grey, Red, white or Yellow and some touches with Silver Pencil here and there...

Thanks for looking in Guys.

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