**** DONE: GB-54 1/48 Nakajima B5N2 Kate - Pacific Theatre

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That tomorrow sorta blew out a bit.....sorry...

Ended up masking 6 sets of canopies, 4 x B5N2 Kates pictured and 2 x D3A1 Vals and painting the Kate Canopies to show the Inner framing colour before adding the Outer Colour.

Also splashed some initial paint but not happy with the colour so going to do a re-mix...

Doing some sort of penance Wayne?
Yeah mate, but thank god for Eduard mask sets, cuts the time down considerably....

Have remixed and applied the improved Kate colour to the primary Bird from Shokaku and the other as well in the grey-Green Colour which will be from either an Akagi or Kaga machine.

Also painted over the Green on the Canopies and showing the other 2, D3A Val canopies masked too...

Thanks for your comments Guys, again had a lot on my plate this past week, but still pushing forward...

glossed the lower surfaces of both birds then added the Green to the upper surface of the secondary Kate and masked and painted the cowl areas of both, as well as prep the prop assemblies, wheels and undercarriage stuff....earlier in the week, before baby sitting duties on Wednesday.
Thursday and today....plenty more work done further pics tomorrow....


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