Adventures in Aotake 101. I used this metalic blue Testors Model Master enamel. #2119 Interior metalic blue. I thought it looked a little too blue so I added a drop of yellow to green it up a bit. After I sprayed it I thought I added way to much yellow. It seems though there was a huge variation depending on who, where or how the pigment was mixed into the clear coat. The pigment was added so a more uniform application was achieved. Wing it in other words.
I've use other brands of blue metallic and they all vary in strength of colour, so mixing to tone them down is a bit of a hit and miss affair, so you did well.
Flap job. I removed the flags from the wings to pose them extended. When it came to how to make the stiffeners there had to be a better way than glueing strips of styrene down. Messy as all get go and hard to clean up. Plus the trailing edges of these wings are very thin. I used 3mm GM Fineline tape in strips and coated them with putty. When dry pulled the tape off. I think they turned out pretty good and with way less brain pain !
Just a little tip if I may. A dab of nail polish remover on the tip of an earbud, gently run this over the still damp and soft filler and it will smooth out filler surface nicely.
Poking along. The wings are ready to go together. I added a bit of detail to the inside of the nacelles though no one will see it which is good because it's not exactly accurate. I think " not exactly accurate" is going to be a theme with this one. I haven't decided what colour to paint the insides of the wing. I've been getting a lot of ideas from Wayne's build in GB 47. I do like the look of the aotake paint so I may use it for the insides of the wing. I'll spray it see how it looks and go from there. Mix a little less yellow though so it looks more blue than green.