Sorely tempted Andy. Last set of days was a nightmare. I put two graders out of commission and one was already out for a major overhaul. Once one came up I put a third down and it didn't come up until late in the afternoon. Roads are a disaster as the frost comes out. Anyhoo....stuff
Looks like your all ready for the final push George. As for retirement, well. As I've always said, it was the best job I ever took and after close on 19 years I still enjoy every day.
Spritz...spritz...spritz. In order, on the rudder, that colour said to be a greenish version of RLM76. I used Tamiya XF-14 J.A. Grey. Tother RLM76 using Vallejo Model Air 71.046 Pale Blue Grey. For RLM75 I used Mr. Hobby Aqueous H-69 RLM75 Gray Violet. Shortly I'll be shooting the RLM82 using Tamiya XF-26 Deep Green, which, according to a few sites, is a good match
The painting has been a hassle as I am using the two small diagrams from the decal sheet so may or may not even be accurate
Thanks Vic. I need some honest opinions here people. I tried for a bit of weathered look but it might be too patchy. I'll wait for a bit before I proceed. Thank you
A very good effort George. I'd suggest a light dusting on the centre port wing and inner starboard wing where the grey shows through a little, other wise tickety-boo.
Added more paint as per Vic's suggestion; looks better methinks
Andy, what I found out was the F-8 could be painted either 74/75/76 or 75/82/76. Depending on the year of the book, 83 is mentioned but I think (hope) that was before they decided that 82 and 83 were reversed (I hope)