Fiddly bits. The beam approach antenna which was moulded into one of the fuselage halves suffered an early mortality (intentional) and needed to be replaced. It looked a bit clunky anyway. Here's how the area looked before I laid my mitts on it:
Holes drilled, small diameter plastic rod posts added, and lead wire glued on to round it all out. Also visible are the antenna for the FuG-25 IFF made of stretched sprue and the kit ladder.
More fiddly stuff forward, all kit parts. There's also been a wash applied - home made mix of pastel powder, water, and dish detergent.
Yet more fiddlies - the mass balances and radio altimeter antennae.
With all that done, a flat coat was applied and the canopy masks peeled off. Happy to see that no paint got on the inside of the glazing through the rear gun opening. A bit of touch-up on some of the frames will be needed.
My mission for today, if I chose to accept it, is to somehow get the radar antennae stuck on. These have minimal attachment details and need to be lined up perfectly which will be a challenge since they are both delicate and unwieldy. Much cursing is anticipated. Hopefully you'll see them stuck on the next time I'm on here. Thanks for watching.