Thanks gents. With the addition of the radio antenna mast and wires, pitot tube (moulded-in one removed earlier), D/F loop, rear twin mg, weathering, chipping, oil and exhaust stains, I'm now calling this one done. Finished thread will be posted shortly.
In the below pic, I noticed that I got a bit of black paint on the lower antenna masks while I was filling in the shell ejector chute holes. I'll touch those up but I didn't see them in time for the finished pics. Oh well, I guess I won't win the $10,000 first prize.....
This project started out as a "sure, why not" build. Revell's disappointing engine nacelle dimensions made me not want to make this project one of my super-detailed efforts and so I chose to concentrate on the challenging camo scheme and use the kit parts for the most part. I learned my airbrush limits (for now) while attempting the extremely tight wave pattern on the fuselage and fins. In some areas, the tight pattern was nicely achieved but I found it very hard to maintain the pattern so the vast majority of the waves are more like tight connected mottles. Anyway, I'm satisfied with the effort and am ready to move on.
Thanks to all who followed along and especially to those who stepped up to help with some questions.