So I jammed the wings on last night. A very odd connection to the fuselage in that there is none of the usual slot and tab stuff, just a loosey-goosey butt joint affair that requires lots of careful alignment (below):
That said, the fit was pretty darn nice. I started with the longer bit (#1 above) and let the glue set for a bit. Then before it was completely set, I added the other side and fussed with the alignment until it all seemed right. I needed some small weights to make the thing sit properly and then let it set over night:
This morning I added the tail plane, making sure that it was parallel with the main wing axis. There's a bit of twist somewhere that will result in some needed levelling at the tail seam. You can also see that I added the landing light lens as I want to blend this into the fuselage properly - I usually forget about this and have to deal with it after I already painted the wing. The same will happen with the nav lights after the red and green bulb paint cures.
The setting glue on the wings allowed me to get the props together and start on the paint:
I used straight Tamiya XF-27 for the blades, which looks fine in real life but too light in the pictures but I've since gloss coated them which darkened them more.
Thanks for following along.