**** DONE: PCM 1/32 Fw190A-1 Brown 1 Oblt.Walter Schneider 6/JG26

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Ok, now i have set up the MGFF cannons in the wings but they are not fixed yet. also have fitted a short piece of Brass tube and flushed it with the wing edge so when I fit the Pitot tube it will slide into place easily.

Next project is to get the wing to fuselage joins right....as you can see the fit is less than 'perfect'...however it is a limited run kit so some fit issues are to be expected....on with the fix!


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Cannon looks great and I like the brass sleeve idea which has been duly logged away in the memory bank. Also looks like that wing join is going to even tax your capabilities..................for a couple of seconds.
Thanks fellas....yeah it took a bit more than a few seconds.....about 2 hours on and off.....and to answer Gerry's question,first I added some plasticard strips to both wingroots and glued these in place...the rest filled with superglue followed by accelerator, then filing and sanding and repeating!

here it is almost done, tomorrow I will tackle the underside of the nose area, there is a slight step to address too....


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