**** DONE: Spitfire Mk. I P9306 ZP H of No 74 Squadron Battle of Britain Group Build (1 Viewer)

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Hmm. Not sure about the kill markings. Contrary to popular belief, these were not displayed as much as they were by, for example, the Luftwaffe or the USAAF, and tended to be on aircraft used by one pilot, and then mainly a Squadron commander or Flight commander. Although pilots tried to use the same aircraft whenever possible, they weren't neccessarily allocated a specific aircraft. As 'yours' had kills by two different pilots, it's very possible that no kill markings were painted on, and perhaps there wasn't time to do so.
If it had been, say five or six victories by the same pilot, then things might have been different. The choice is yours in this case mate !
Again, if Jan could check the book for the details of this particular airframe, possibly the text as well as the index of aircraft on the Squadron, it might give info on the 'Trinidad' name and any kill markings. I have a feeling this was the first 'presentation' Spit to the Sqn from Trinidad, so did have ther name as previously described, and this was continued with others, I think Trindad II, III etc, until lack pf time stopped the practice.
As in the book:

P9306 - Flown by Flt. Lts. Malan and Kelly and Plt Offs. Cobden and St. John. On the Squadron until 1941.

Then follows alot of blah blah yiddi yiadda museum.....

12th of June '41 it became the Trinidad Squadron after The Fighter Fund Committee of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago raised 100.000 to provide a Squadron of fighters for the RAF.

Thanks Jan, Terry. Sounds like some conflicting information. the history that Karl found had it being marked 'TRINIDAD' on July 6, 1940. It might be better if I just left off the 'TRINIDAD'. Pilots don't seem to match ether so I'll leave off the kill markings too.
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Thanks for the help Jan.
Glenn, I would go off the info Jan has posted. No disrespect to whoever wrote the info you got from Karl, but the book I loaned to Jan is very comprehensive, being written by a former WW2 'Tiger' Sqn memeber, and covers the history, in detail, from WW1 to the entry of the EE Lightning. It's considered to be the history by the Squadron themselves.
Now that I think of it, the pic or two I've seen of the 'Trinidad' inscriptions were on MkII or possibly MkV Spits. It's probable that 'your' Spit was the first paid for by Trinidad, but possibly/probably didn't have the inscription.
I tend to agree with you in omitting the 'Trinidad' name.
I'll go with Jan's info and leave off the kill marks and the Trinidad lettering. Actually makes it easier because I didn't know how I was going to make the Trinidad decal with white lettering.
Yep, good decision/ I doubt you'd get small enough lettering decals even to do it letter by letter, or the correct typeface. So, unless you have access to an ALPS printer, it would be a delicate job for a 0000 brush !
Just got the same problem for the white 'Tatzelwurm' on the nose of Schnabel's '109. I've made a decal on clear sheet, which gives the thin black outline, and can 'fill in' the rest with acrylic paint, but I have a feeling I might end up hand - painting them !
The kit finally came (first 4 pictures) and I started work on it painting the cockpit parts RAF interior green. The last picture is after I then gave it a wash made up of acrylic black and alcohol (the rubbing type not the drinking type Jan!)

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I just about finished up the interior tonight and will hopefully glue the fuselage halves together tomorrow.

1) left side cockpit wall. watching Darryl's 1:1 spit cockpit build with all the copper plumbing I just had to add some made out of stretched sprue.

2) The right side cockpit wall.

3) the control panel

4) The interior cockpit assembly minus panel

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Copper wire would have been easier to shape but I was too lazy to go down 3 flights of stairs to the basement to find some. It's just stretched sprue painted copper.

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