**** DONE: XF-85 Goblin. Parasite Fighter Prototype. Group Build (1 Viewer)

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Very nice work, and a good idea too Glenn. It's always the very small 'oh this will be easy' jobs that take the time isn't it ?!
Got home from work a little early today and was able to just about complete the construction of the cart. I wanted to somehow show some detail of the bolts on the gusset plates and tried using tiny drops of thick super glue applied with a dental pick. Turned out alright although they look a little more like rivets or carriage bolts rather than the hex head bolts on the real thing. The result is shown in picture 1 along with the installed attachment brackets on the "A" frames. Picture 2 shows some stiffeners I added to the beam under the "A" frame. Picture 3 shows the Goblin test fitted. to my amazement it sat nice and level. A little sanding on the stiffeners tomorrow after they dry and it should be ready for paint.

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Beaut work mate. That's going to look briulliant when it's all painted. Was it yellow at the time? I know it isn't in the museum pics, but it seems that nearly all engine trolleys, platforms etc were yellow back in the late '40s to early or mid '60s.
It'll really stand out and compliment the little flying bug i it is !
Thanks guys! I think I've let myself get a little carried away with this cart. Just spent over an hour making up some little hinge looking doohickeys that I saw were just below the attachment bracket in a museum photo. My wife thinks I'm nuts. Its all finished and ready for paint now. Hopefully tomorrow if I can steel an hour or so.
Beaut work mate. That's going to look briulliant when it's all painted. Was it yellow at the time? I know it isn't in the museum pics, but it seems that nearly all engine trolleys, platforms etc were yellow back in the late '40s to early or mid '60s.
It'll really stand out and compliment the little flying bug i it is !
The one period pic I have shows the color of the cart as OD, but I can't tell which of the 2 aircraft it is in that pic. The one I'm modeling (tail #6523) is in the Air Force Museum and is sitting on a yellow cart. The other one (tail #6524) is in a museum in Nebraska, sitting on an obviously not original cart that is white. I am making an assumption that the aircraft in the period pic is 6524 and that 6523 had and still does have a yellow cart. I am making that assumption for the most part because I think it will look much cooler with a yellow cart. :lol: That's my story and I'm standing by it!
Thanks guys! I think I've let myself get a little carried away with this cart. Just spent over an hour making up some little hinge looking doohickeys that I saw were just below the attachment bracket in a museum photo. My wife thinks I'm nuts. Its all finished and ready for paint now. Hopefully tomorrow if I can steel an hour or so.

The one period pic I have shows the color of the cart as OD, but I can't tell which of the 2 aircraft it is in that pic. The one I'm modeling (tail #6523) is in the Air Force Museum and is sitting on a yellow cart. The other one (tail #6524) is in a museum in Nebraska, sitting on an obviously not original cart that is white. I am making an assumption that the aircraft in the period pic is 6524 and that 6523 had and still does have a yellow cart. I am making that assumption for the most part because I think it will look much cooler with a yellow cart. :lol: That's my story and I'm standing by it!

Go with the force Luke....I...I mean Glenn!:D:D
Painted the cart this morning AND afternoon. I had forgotten what a pain it is to spray yellow. I was finally happy with it after the third coat and it should look better after a black wash tomorrow, after the paint has cured a little. If you look at the top of the "A" frames you can see the hinge doohickeys I built that caused my wife to question my sanity. :lol:

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By 'eck ! That looks bl**dy real ! Great job Glenn. I find yellow is easier to spray, or brush, if the first coat is matt, followed by gloss. The same with white.
Thanks guys, the feedback means a lot!
I find yellow is easier to spray, or brush, if the first coat is matt, followed by gloss. The same with white.

Terry I sprayed a coat of flat gray primmer first, than the flat yellow and it didn't really cover until the 3rd coat of yellow. Is the gloss coat you mentioned gray, or the color of the top coat?

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