Doras Galoras - Unofficial GB

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That's why I'm here. I've only made one Dora before and that was when I was about 14. Did a hand painted gray tiger stripe looking camo on it. I wish I knew where it was, I'd post a pic of it for a laugh.
jv44 red 3

Props painted

Looks the biz Jerry.

Black 6 REDUCED.jpg

The fitting fun on this Eduard kit continues. Seems I realized a bit late that the firewall or plug could have used some trimming. When I dry fitted all this, I though it would be resolved with clamps but after half an hour of trying to find a way to clamp this gap on the curved surfaces, I finally resolved to just use my two hands and with my third hand apply some thin CA glue along the edge of the gun shelf and hold it until it set.


The result, after repainting the RLM 02, is acceptable.


Similarly, this gap on the bottom would not close:


So I resorted to installing a thin slice of plastic card.


The fuselage is now closed up and the next step will be to slide in the instrument panel and its shroud. This will be tricky in that there's plenty of PE stuff in there that could get knocked off but that's tomorrow's challenge.
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hey, guys,
Wow, lots of progress by you guys. Love the work and I am learning a ton about the Doras. I broke down and picked up Crandall's Vol 1 this weekend (big pouch to the wallet, but I can see myself doing quite a few Doras in the future, so a great reference). Thumbing through it has been fascinating. Terry, I am glad I held off on my Dora for finishing the '51. Your work and posts have me better prepared to deal with the various fit issues you have found.
I must say I am VERY impressed with the finish work by you all to date. Amazing patience and work on all of the details of some of the finishes. I only hope I can even get in the same zip code as some of you guys when I get to my finish. After going through the Crandall book, I am glad I zeroed in on Dortmann's plane. I think there is far more documented evidence on the finish.
Hopefully, I will be back on the Dora by this coming weekend. I have cleared the weekend to sit in my hovel and pound out some work on that bird.
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Good stuff Dale and nice to see you take the plunge in getting Crandall's Vol 1. Will volume 2 be far behind?????

I'll let your calling me Terry slide for now, though I've been called worse! :lol:
Nice work on the spinner and prop blades Jetty.

Andy, you've made me glad I'm doing the Taniya kit. I've had enough of fit problems lately with the Shrike. It'd good to just concentrate on the paint for once.
Ok so I "think" I have made my mind up lol

I hadnt realised just what a minefield this end of war camo stuff is, google has thrown up more amusing toys out of pram arguments than actual facts .

So as they seem the rarest both in reality and in the build, I will be attempting to knock together a D13

As almost everyone uses the famous ( infamous ) Yellow 10 as their subject, I have decided to instead follow the scheme suggested for black chevron, which is also catered for in the box


two main reasons , its a scheme which few people seem to choose and its a scheme which i think i have a better chance of replicating lol
next step, inside:
before placing in position and pegharlo some pictures, the little material that I have been inside of this plane is that he had nothing more than a little dirt buildup, its use was based almost in flight tests in close combat to different heights from the latest models of Soviet fighters (la-5FN, La 7, Mig 3), so I did little stained and ready.



Hey, Andy,
Damnit!!! I need to create a cheat sheet for all you guys, or refer to post #1 ALL the damned time. They keep telling me the mind is the 2nd to go..... now, what was the 1st again?
jv44 red 3

does the gunsight look to be in the correct location i thought it was kind low.

Dale, just remember that I'm the good looking one with lots of money. Terry's the other guy. :lol:

Dave, I'll update post one with your D-13 selection.

Sergio - looking good but those two instrument panel sections seem too far apart, unless that's just a temporary set up for painting???

EDIT, Sorry Jerry, crossed posts. Actually, it looks too high. I think the sight body was under the shroud with just the reflectors sticking up through a hole. The crash pad went right around the shroud. Let me see if I can dig up a picture.

EDIT 2: Here's a pic Jerry:

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