hey, guys,
Wow, lots of progress by you guys. Love the work and I am learning a ton about the Doras. I broke down and picked up Crandall's Vol 1 this weekend (big pouch to the wallet, but I can see myself doing quite a few Doras in the future, so a great reference). Thumbing through it has been fascinating. Terry, I am glad I held off on my Dora for finishing the '51. Your work and posts have me better prepared to deal with the various fit issues you have found.
I must say I am VERY impressed with the finish work by you all to date. Amazing patience and work on all of the details of some of the finishes. I only hope I can even get in the same zip code as some of you guys when I get to my finish. After going through the Crandall book, I am glad I zeroed in on Dortmann's plane. I think there is far more documented evidence on the finish.
Hopefully, I will be back on the Dora by this coming weekend. I have cleared the weekend to sit in my hovel and pound out some work on that bird.