Here's an update on my Dora build. Not quite finished yet, some bits and pieces still missing, like antenna wire and so on. Some weathering would also be in order. However, she does stand on her own legs now (thank you again Wojtek for sending me needed parts) and here are few pictures to show it. Cheers!
Resurrecting this; I been flat out with Work/Uni/Research - the Fw 190D-15 is STILL sitting on the painting rack, half painted... Must dust it off, hit it with a fine cloth and FINISH the paint soon; probably once I have finished teaching/instructing for the year.
Resurrecting this; I been flat out with Work/Uni/Research - the Fw 190D-15 is STILL sitting on the painting rack, half painted... Must dust it off, hit it with a fine cloth and FINISH the paint soon; probably once I have finished teaching/instructing for the year.
Yeah well, Uni and etc has been distracting me from modelling - and the D-15 has had too much work put into it to just not finish it... at some stage... soon... promise!