Good Evening, All,
Andy, I am still in and you have my information correct. Glad to see this is getting popular. Can you ever really have too many Long Noses?
I spent the weekend with the cockpit from the Eduard kit. I love and hate PE. Love the looks mostly. But, my eyes are hate the size. Sprayed the basic parts in RLM66. I then started in on adding the included PE to the various cockpit pieces. I am not 100% happy with what I have. However, once everything is installed in the fuse, I figure it will look good.
I did run across a couple of photos on the web that showed a cushion in the seat. So, I took some tissue, folded it carefully in several different axises (is that correct for plural axis?). I glued it all up with some thinned Elmer's white glue. Once that was setup, I mixed a little dark green in with some umber to get a shade that looked appropriate to me. Too bad most of it is under the lap belts. I added tiny drops of Future to give an instrument glass look to the lower panel. Any details were picked out with silver or red with a toothpick. I used an artist's silver pencil to do a little weathering on the floor and a few edges in the cockpit. I was going for subtle with this. Under the mag lamp is looks good, I must say.
As soon as the seat is dried into place, I will add the shoulder harnesses.
I sure hope the pics are viewable. I do not have a good macro lens yet. I am shooting with a std Canon 50mm lens and cropping/zooming/ adjusting to get enough detail for you all to get an idea of my results.
I welcome positive and negative feedback (heck, how does one improve with only positive feedback?).
PS Sorry for the lighting. I'll try to get more light on the shots going forward.