Doubleposting, etc...

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Things seem to have gotten better for a little bit but now I'm noticing them start to creep up again. Double posts, error/timeouts etc....
Jeez I don't get it.

Everyone else has issues and I have no porblems whatsoever. When the few times it stopped working I knew there was a problem. I have a Mac computer...does it make a difference?
I've had the odd one or two double posts, and some occassions when it's taken two, or three' clicks' to get things to work.
I've also noticed a few other intermittent things, such as being unable to open pictures, then, when coming back to the particular thread, they'll open fine. The forum title banner is also not showing, but if the red 'X' is opened by 'Ctrl' + R, it'll appear. A somewhat irritating occurence is the page 'jumping' now and again, which doesn't happen on any other web-site, or any other application or programme I use.
Jeez I don't get it.

Everyone else has issues and I have no porblems whatsoever. When the few times it stopped working I knew there was a problem. I have a Mac computer...does it make a difference?

Don't think so, should be on the server side. Maybe it just happens at certain times, when the server is busy with something else?
Has anyone else noticed things going really slow the last couple of days when you click to another page? Many time it takes a full minute or more to come up, and other times I get the "Internal Server Error" message. This happens on both my home and work computer so I don't think the problem is on my end.
Yeah, I certainly noticed that. Finally got fed up and logged off last night.

This morning, I get double posts on replies, even though I type a message, hit "Post Quick Reply" and do nothing else. Up pop two posts. See if it does it this time...
A little wile ago all my posted pictures on my 109E-4 thread disappeared. There was a big empty space but no pictures. They are back now though. And things are still running very slow, of not coming up at all. Very annoying! The last time things were going like this a few months ago the whole forum went down for days.
I sent a PM to ccheese and was informed that there are problems with their server. double and triple posting are a reselt of double and triple clicks. the clicks are stored in memory and released when ready so the server sees 3 clicks. Us old guys remember the first word processors and the 286 processors. I could easily type a full sentence or more ahead of the processor so entire blocks of typing would suddenly appear
I sent a PM to ccheese and was informed that there are problems with their server. double and triple posting are a result of double and triple clicks. the clicks are stored in memory and released when ready so the server sees 3 clicks. Us old guys remember the first word processors and the 286 processors. I could easily type a full sentence or more ahead of the processor so entire blocks of typing would suddenly appear
Yep, been getting, and seeing, a lot of double posts over the last two days or so. Also experienced the slow loading, including after hitting the 'Reply' button, where the quickest load time to date has been approx 18 seconds. Also getting that annoying bl**dy page jumping back to the top, and images not loading.

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