eBay: Airwar ww2 The Pilots. (4 Viewers)

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German Siegfried Michl + 14-05-1940 Tuesday Stuka France Maroilles Noyelles

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8./StG51 Junkers Ju87B-1. Shot down by Hurricanes of No.151 Squadron in combat north of Landrecies 10.30 a.m. Possibly that claimed by F/L Ives. FF Lt Gerhard Wanke and BF Uffz Siegfried Michel both killed.
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27-04-1944 Thursday

Career Summaries - Luftwaffe Officers 1935 - 1945
Section L - R
PELTZ, Dietrich Georg Magnus. (DOB: 09.06.14 in Gera-Reuss/Thüringen). (i.G.). (RES, DKG).
(n.d.) trained as an engineer. 04.04.34 Offiziers-Anwärter bei der Kraftfahr-Abt. 5. 01.06.35 to
Kriegschule München and Dresden. 01.10.35 trf from the Heer to the Luftwaffe in the rank of
Oberfähnrich and sent to Fliegerschule Salzwedel for pilot training. 01.04.36 promo to Lt. and appt
Staffel Offizier and Adj. in JG Immelmann and ordered to Blindflugschule Wesendorf-Neuburg/Donau
for training. 15.04.36 trf to Fliegergruppe Lübeck-Blankensee for further pilot training. 01.03.37 trf
to II./St.G. 162 as a pilot. 01.05.37 appt Adj. of I./St.G. 167 (later I./168). 00.37 Adj in I./St.G. 162.
01.03.39 promo to Oblt. 01.04.39 trf to IV.(Stuka)/LG 1 for training. 01.05.39 appt Staka 1./St.G.
76. 15.08.39 Staka 1./St.G. 76. 01.09.39 Oblt., Staka 1./St.G. 76. 15.09.39 Oblt., Staka 1./St.G. 76.
22.05.40 Oblt., Staka 1./St.G. 76. 06.40 acting Kdr. III./St.G. 77. 14.10.40 Oblt., awarded
Ritterkreuz, Staka 1./St.G. 3 [Version $#2 : Stab/St.G. 77]. 01.03.41 promo to Hptm. 13.03.41 appt
Kdr. II./KG 77 (to 30.09.41). 12.07.41 flew his 200th combat mission. 01.10.41 appt instruction
director for dive class of Verbandesführerschule Foggia. 31.12.41 awarded Eichenlaub, Kdr., II./KG
77. 05.02.42 awarded DKG, Stab/St.G. 2. 06.07.42 trf to Ob.d.L./RLM pool. 18.07.42 promo to
Maj. 01.08.42 appt Kdr. Verbandsführerschule der Kampfflieger, Tours (to 09.08.42). 03.09.42 appt
Kdr. I./KG 60 (to 31.12.42). 01.12.42 promo to Obstlt. 14.12.42 trf into the Generalstab d.Lw. (did
not attend the Luftkriegsakademie). 01.01.43 appt provisional General der Kampfflieger
(L.In.2)/RLM (to 24.03.43). 17.03.43 promo to Oberst (RDA 01.09.43). 24.03.43 appt
Angriffsführer England (to 04.09.43). 18.05.43 Angriffsführer England, concurrently appt General
der Kampfflieger 1. 06.43 oncurrently appt Kampffliegerführer Mittelmeer (to 08.43). 23.07.43
awarded Schwerter, Angriffsführer England. 04.09.43 appt Komm.Gen. IX. Fliegerkorps (to
12.11.44). 01.11.43 promo to Gen.Maj. with RDA 01.05.44. 12.11.44 appt Komm.Gen. II.
Jagdkorps (to 19.01.45). 26.01.45 appt Komm.Gen. IX. Fliegerkorps (J) (to 08.05.45). 04.04.45
concurrently appt Komm.Gen. I. Fliegerkorps? (n.d.) postwar worked in private industry.
†10.08.2001 in München. Cremains buried in Stuttgart. Credited with about 350 missions including
102 as a Stuka pilot.



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Career Summaries - Luftwaffe Officers 1935 - 1945
Section G - K
HAIBÖCK, Josef. (DOB: 20.02.17 or 28.02.17 in Linz/Austria). (R, DKG). 1937 in Austrian Air
Force. 01.08.39 promo to Lt.(RDA withheld). 01.09.39 RDA as Lt., JG 26. 01.12.39 assigned to
9./JG 26. 31.05.40 Lt., 9./JG 26. 08.06.40 Lt., with 9./JG 26. 17.06.41 Hptm., Stab III./JG 26.
27.09.41 Oblt., 9./JG 26. 06.12.41 Oblt., appt Staka 1./JG 26 (to 29.10.42). 26.07.42 Oblt., Staka
3./JG 26 WIA - Fw 190 A-3 damaged in combat with Spitfire N of Calais. 29.10.42 trf to JG 52.
30.12.42 Oblt., appt Staka 1./JG 52 (to 07.02.44). 29.01.43 Oblt., 1./JG 52. 01.02.43 promo to
Hptm. 01.02.43 Oblt., 1./JG 52 unhurt - Bf 109 G force-landed 6 km E of Tim. 04.02.43 Oblt., Staka
1./JG 52 unhurt - Bf 109 G-2 emergency landing E of Tim due to ground fire. 16.02.43 Oblt., 1./JG
52 unhurt - Bf 109 G-2 emergency landing 20 km N of Walki in Pl.Qu. 35 Ost/50221. 12.05.43 Oblt.,
Staka 1./JG 52 unhurt - Bf 109 G-2 belly-landed at Varvarovka a/f after taking enemy fire. 22.07.43
Hptm., Staka 1./JG 52 WIA - Bf 109 G-6 combat, emergency landing in Pl.Qu. 34 Ost/88254.
20.08.43 Hptm., 1./JG 52. 17.10.43 Hptm., awarded DKG, I./JG 52. 28.11.43 Hptm., 1./JG 52.
01.12.43 Hptm., appt acting Kdr. III./JG 52 (to 01.44). 08.02.44 Hptm., Staka 1./JG 52, appt Kdr.
I./JG 3 (to 25.02.44 WIA). 25.02.44 Hptm., Kdr. I./JG 3 WIA - Bf 109 G-6 (black 7) strafed by
Allied P-47 fighters after making a belly-landing and severely WIA – hospitalized to 01.45 - and
strafed on the ground at Karlsruhe. 09.06.44 Hptm., awarded Ritterkreuz, Kdr., I./JG 3. Credited
with 604 combat missions and 77 air victories. 1956 joined the Bundesluftwaffe. – Austrian. 1975
appt Kdr. of a Fliegerdivision. 1977 retired from the Österreiches Bundesheer as a Gen.Maj.
†03.07.2002 in Linz



  1. http://www.ww2.dk/Lw Offz - G-K Apr 2024.pdf
  2. Foto,Me 109,JG 26,Kennung,Wappen,Schlageter,Haiböck,Abschuss,Jäger,Flugzeug,Tarn | eBay
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