Eduard 1/48 Bf-110C

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Was just wondering - does this kit come with seated pilot figures? Thanks to Terry (Airframes) I've learned that the Eduard FW-190 has one. That made me curious if other Eduard kits have them.
I've been on a bit of a hiatus with this kit for a while - was getting a bit tired of it actually. However, the new resin wheels arrived and, after discovering that the tires were smooth as opposed to the grooved tires seen in the vast majority of referecne photos, I promptly set to cutting grooves across the tread with a razor saw.

Pic 1 is the new set of resin wheels, unpainted, next to the mucked up kit wheel.

Pic 2 is a pic of the finished resin wheels

Pic 3 - Next up are the wheel struts which, after having been painting RLM 02 and a rusty brown colour for the oleo boots, received a copper wire brake line, tiny decals for maintenance labels, and PE straps around the brake lines. Reference photos show the upper brake line to be of brass tube and the lower section a flex hose, hence the colour change.

Thanks for checking in.


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Moving along.....

The picture below is an overall shot as she looks today nearing completion. Wheels have been installed and fiddley bits are starting to go on. The guns in the nose will need to be re-installed, having been cut off to make the cowl fit on and to facilitate decal placement. The cowl is lightly glued in place and will likely stay that way despite all the detailing I did around the guns.

The next two pics are a before and after shot of the rear gunner's canopy which will be stowed in the open position. In the second pic can be seen the stretched sprue framing and copper wire handles that were added.

Next up are two shots of the finished resin tire, strut, and gear doors in place. Tires received a pastel dusting of dark earth. Inside the wheel wells, the opening for the hydraulic actuator was opened up and a new actuator was fashioned out of telephone wire with the insulation stripped part way down and painted. A grimey wash has been applied in the wells.

Finally, here's the radio operator's swivel MG 17 with PE crosshairs added. I wonder how long this will survive!?

Once again, thanks for viewing and for your interest.

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