Eduard 1/48 Bf-110C

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This is the first winter camo job I've done and I'm please with the results.

Progressing slowly on this one as I'm putting hardwood floors in my house right now and am dog tired after supper. I did manage to get the tail wheel together and created the white wall on the tire with a set of circular stamps and white decal sheet. Canopy is also on. I'll probably post an update on the weekend.
Here's an update to show some of my slow progress, inlcuding warts. Lots of work to be done as revealed by these merciless close-ups:

Pic 1 Overall shot of how she looks today. Since posting my last update almost a month ago, I've added the tailwheel, canopy, and exhaust stains. Quite a while ago, I was mentioning how the wheels supplied with the kit were incorrect for the 110C and that I was going to modify them using my Dremel and filling with putty. Well, I was so dissatisfied with the results that I decided to chuck the kit set and get some proper True Details resin wheels which I ordered today for 2 bucks. So progress on the landing gear is stalled for now.

Pic 2 Some time ago, I hollowed out the supercharger air intake to make it look more realistic. The PE grille was to be inserted into the void and glued in. Well it didn't go as planned and the PE piece complete with superglue on it disappeared into the wing, never to be seen again. So now I'm making a tube out of card for two reasons. One is to provide a backing to repair the very thin wall on the wings that was damaged during the hollowing out process. The second is to replicate the ducting and to provide a back wall for what will eventually be a scratchbuilt grille (I hope). As it stands now, the tube sticks proud of the wing leading edge and will be trimmed and filled to fix the opening and make it flush.

To the right of the opening can be seen the beginnings of a landing light which has been added into an enlarged opening. Unsanded putty can be seen around the edges. Once the putty is smoothed and the light disc is painted silver, the glazing will be installed over this area. I swear I didn't know that hair was there until I saw the picture. Will fix that too.

Pic 3 shows the tail wheel assembled. The white wall on the tire was made from white decal sheet using cylindrical punches. Turned out not too bad. Looks like I knocked this as the fork on the backside looks like it separated from the post. Another fix.

Pic 4 Well this area was frustrating. The canopy is quite thin but doesn't line up perfectly with the fuselage sides. As I was adjusting the fit and pressing firmly down while th eglue was setting, the whole thing slipped into cockit and destroyed all the radio equipment mounted on the inside of the glass. I had to scratchbuild a prt that went missing and replace the damaged areas and try again. As you can see, the joint with the fuslelage needs some more work. Some touch-up on the frames is also needed. The rear enclosure is not yet installed.

Pics 5 and 6 show the armoured windscreen installed before and after a bit of detail was added. I made some tiny mounting brackets out of plastic card and glued them at the top and bottom of the screeen where it attaches to the windscreen frame. Also, there's a very thin piece of card stuck on the the top of the armoured screen which can be seen in close-up photos of the real aircraft. More touch-ups are required around this area as well and I'll post more photos later as more detail gets added.

I'm in a phase on this project that is a bit of a downer and hopefully things will pick up a bit in the days to come. I guess that overall, I'm still reasonably happy with the work, as long as I don't look too close!

Thanks for looking in.


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