damn chemical abusers! Wait! Did I say that out loud?
Ok, I have been picking away at the new Spit. I am close to finishing up the cockpit. I
may have the fuse halves joined by tonight. So, A few pics. Not too many yet. First is the cockpit lower side walls with the rgt fuse side. Just a touch more to do with the lft lower side wall and that will get glued into place.
Pic 1:
I made up a priming pump with some scraps of stretched sprue. A large piece for the pump body with some stretched sprue for the lines. I drilled out the back side of the pump body and glued one line in there. I then drilled all the way through the pump body on the other end. I slipped some sprue all the way through with just a tad sticking out to represent the pump handle and the other line.
I then took some very narrow rod and a candle. I slowly placed the rod near the candle flame to get just a bit of some "swelling". I have cut these way back. I know they are hard to see in the picture. I am going to super glue these into the "bulb" rack in the cockpit side wall to get some 3d depth there.
Lastly, I drilled out the base of the regulator and added three cat5 wires twisted together for the greater part of the length to represent the regulator harness.
Voltage Reg:
Ok, so NO LEANING back anymore!!! BTW, looks like Don is coming up from Houston for the weekend. We are going to work on Tamiya's MkI Spitfire. I will try to get a pic of us both and post it up here. That should make for one ugly picture. Just have your seat belts on, mates!