Eduards He-280 ProfiPack 1/48 (1 Viewer)

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2nd Lieutenant
Nov 20, 2007
I am about to finish the Willow within the next two days and figured it's time to start another I have wanted to do for a long time.The He-280 was the runner up to the Me-262 back in 41(?) of course as we all know lost.I think the 280 is as graceful if not morso than the 262 at least to my eyes.The colors are pretty straight forward according to the instructions RLM02 just about everywhere.It's 40/41 we know according to the BoB build we had the 109's had 02 in the pit and this test bird to boot.I will be using Gator Glue for ALL my PE parts the stuff is excellant I discovered it for myself in my shipbuilding.The glue for (1) gives you a few extra minutes to postion the part and (2) you will not pull the part loose without damaging it unlike super glue you hit it and PING!!!!! it's gone.Well so much for the glue stuff :rolleyes: :) how about some initial pics.....


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Thanks Vic not much interest out there on a almost plane I guess :confused: but I made good use of my time off today.I got the pit done up it was pretty simple and straight forward.The plane comes with a nice weight to keep her from being a tail dragger also.I did my build sequence a little different with this one attaching the wings early upon seeing a slight gap on the bottom between the wing and fuse.Thats it for now will get the fuse button up tonight and probably get the engines done also,I am going with the smaller HS8 engines instead of the Jumo.Cheers


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Now that's what I call a good size weight. It's a shame that kit manufacturers aren't more considerate and always include a weight, better still a special moulded weight.
Thks for the interest Vic and Wayne.I will after all be building this one for exterior finish I guess.I thought I had the pit squared up properly and it is off a tad totally pissed me off,I was about to ditch it.Then I said hey it will represent the 280 in the collection in the 1/48 cabinet ;) Cheers
Thks for the interest guys but I have once again come across a problem I seem to be familiar with Black Decals Crumbling!!Two builds in a row and this kit might be 10yrs old might be?I got most to place but it was a fight "all the Way!!" hope to throw out some pics tomorrow.Cheers
I thought I post some pics were shes at,thks for looking ;) Cheers


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Looks like a really nice kit...the 280 is one of my all-time favorites!

If it weren't for the RLM's proverbial head up thier arse, they could have had this jet ready for production by the time the 262 was going through it's testing...

That build is really coming along :thumbleft:
Yea GG and Glenn when you go read up on the 280 it beat a FW190 in a race(41?) to wereas the 190 had 4 laps the 280 had 5.Then they did a mock up a dogfight I think in 43 of the two and 280 won that but she had some issues with the Hs8 engines.Heinkel hated having to go to the Jumo engines being outside of his own factory but they were just to heavy for the frame and lost of speed was the result.It builds up pretty nice Glenn as I said the copit misalignment is all my fault and is a really easy build as you can see.Cheers

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