What a weekend. No photography, but some photo viewing. I had my water heater leak, badly last week. What didn't look too bad turned into a big job that took about 10 hours to complete. Since we rented a dumpster for this, I have been clearing the garage at the house, which has been long overdue.
In going through the boxes o' crap that I have out there, I came across my Sony Mavica, my first digital camera. IN those days, it used floppies! It looks something like this one:
I also found my old dog tags. I put them on and wore them today for the first time in over 20 years. It is interesting how those things clanging around my neck brought back some memories.
I will be posting some pictures of the progress and some of the things I found soon.
Tomorrow, I will be photographing the final QB show in Camarillo. Jack Broome, who was the host for the QB shows every June, passed away in April. His family wanted one last one for his final hurrah.
Between D-Day, going through my old stuff, and the final QB show coming up, I have been feeling a bit nostalgic. As I sat on the floor tonight, cleaning my lenses and cameras, I thought back to the old days, cleaning my rifle and gear before heading off to an op somewhere. I guess some things haven't really changed.