**** FINISHED: 1/48th F4U-1D Corsair - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 31, 2012
Austin, TX
Username: dneid
First Name: Dale
Category: Intermediate
Scale, 1/48
Manufacturer: Tamiya
Type: F4U-1D
Aftermarket: Aries cockpit and engine resin detail, Aries resin main wheel bay. Not sure if I will use all of the resin details yet. I wanted to try resin versus PE and I thought this would be a good time to try.

Well, the Corsair is wrapped up. I did go back and add the rocket pylons in. The damned aerial wire tested my patience, but I did get it done. Got the photos taken and then my clumsy thumb popped the aerial off the forward mast. I'll get that replaced tomorrow. I did go back and add a tad more wear on the left wing based on Wojtek's pictures of Delong's bird he posted.
Required pics below:

Additional belly pics:

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Hey, Guys,
Thank you all for your very encouraging and kind comments. I so appreciate you all taking the time to post these.
That looks great Dale, one small request though. Can you go in and amend your finished page as required for the judges please.
Should look like this:
First name:

Hey, Vic,
THANK YOU for that catch. One of these days, I will get these posts right the 1st time.

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