**** FINISHED: 1/72 Lockheed P-38H Lightning - Heavy Hitters II GB

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Apr 6, 2008
Orange NSW
1/72 Lockheed P-38H lightning - Heavy Hitters II GB

These are the completed competition entry shots for one of my entries for this Group Build. it is a model very lucky to have reached completion at all, as those of you that were following this build know. Near to the completion of this model, it suffered a major amount of damage that required a complete new tail section to be replaced. That has been done,and despite these difficulties, this model did go togther fairly well.

As a kit, I would recommend the Airfix version of this aircraft. Its a model that appears to be fairly accurate in shape and detail (for a 1/72 kit), with no obvious warping, or other imperfections in the model itself. I managed to install harness and other cockpit detailing quite successfully, scratch nuilding the harness for the first time.

I entered this kit in the belief that the aircraft it represented was used extensively in the FB role, and specifically carried 5 inch rokets in racks outboard of the engine nacelles. it wasnt until i got well into the build that I realized or was provided with conclusive evidence that the "H" subtype did not have such capability. However the H was still quite a capable FB, with significant lift capability in the inboard racks.It was used extensively in 1943 in the ground suport role, particularly in Papua. where this a/c spent quite a bit of time.

All in all I liked this build....

Entry Details

Lockheed P-38H of Maj Thomas Buchanan, 431st FS of the 475th FG, V Fighter command, V Air force, United States Army Air Force. Heavy hitters of WWII (well one of them)
User name: Parsifal
Name: Michael
Category: 1, Beginner
Kit: Airfix 1/72 "Aircraft of the aces" P-38H Lightning
Scale: 1/72.
Accessories: scratch nuilt harness but otherwise, None at this stage


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Nice one Michael, and congratulations not only on a great repair job, but also for the perseverance to continue and finish the job. Well done !
The last time I was looking at the thread for this one, you were recovering from a rather nasty misshape and it was debatable if you would recover. Well Michael, not only did you recover with perseverance and determination, but you have ended up with a great little mode.

Congratulations mate and well done.

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