**** FINISHED: P-61A Nocturnal Nemesis, Revell 1:48 Night Fighter GB

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Night Fighter Nut

Master Sergeant
Nov 3, 2009
Plano Texas
User Name: Night Fighter Nut.
Name: Bill
Catagory 2 Intermediate.
Model: P-61A
Scale: 1:48
Manufacturer: Revell
After Market: Eduard photo etch interior and exterior, Zotz decals, True Details resin wheels,Quick boost gun set, and some scratch building.

Here are my initial six photos. Bear with me as I try to figure out how this new web format works.


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Here are my final four shots. I can say that I'm glad I made it in time. At least I can say I gave it my best. This would be my fifth model, I think, in over twenty years and I can say that I learned a lot off of this one.

Ok, I edited the pictures. These should be correct in accordance with the rules. Sorry for not getting it right the first time.


  • P61A 117.jpg
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  • contest12.jpg
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  • P61A 109.jpg
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  • P61A 110.jpg
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