**** FINISHED: Spitfire MvKIII F/L E "Ted" Sly 457 sqn RAAF

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Apr 11, 2005
South East Queensland
Name - Andy
Manufacturer - ICM
Scale - 1/48
Cat - 2
decals - Aeromaster

He she is fellas, pretty happy with how this one turned out even though I struggled at times with the kit. Sorry to go against the norm, but I don't weather my models (shock, horror!) I like the clean look
Here are the six pictures -
Spitfire MkVIII A58-614 F/L "Ted" Sly No.457 sqn, 80 Wing, 1st TAF RAAF Borneo 1945.


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My four extras. BTW the order of some of the above pictures seems to have been changed when I uploaded them. I've been struggling with this new format


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Nothing wrong with the clean look Andy and with all the rain you guys get up there what else would you expect. It looks great mate.

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