Fire in California

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I do see our local big Erickson Crane Heli's in the air above you.

Australia leases Erikson Sky Cranes nearly every year to fight fires on the East Coast of NSW, usually around the Sydney region, with great success. A lot of money is involved in air-lifting them to Australia, crews, maintenance, etc, but when we trialled the Canadair 215T the Government cried "poor" and "too expensive"! Go figure.
The dems and much of the media try to blame everything on Bush. Might as well hang this one around his neck. However just to set the record straight I was being facetious.
The dems and much of the media try to blame everything on Bush. Might as well hang this one around his neck. However just to set the record straight I was being facetious.

Knew it all the time ren.

And you're right, they blame him for everything. The mainstream media is a disgrace.

Just wanted to add that a few news outlets around here placed some blame on the environmentalists who prevented many homeowners and agencies from removing deadwood and brush because it would harm living areas of protected animals.

The Associated Press: Fires Spew Tons of Global Warming Gas

Fires Spew Tons of Global Warming Gas
By SETH BORENSTEIN – 22 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — In one week, Southern California's wildfires spewed the same amount of carbon dioxide — the primary global warming gas — as the state's power plants and vehicles did, scientists figure.

and Ren, Bush did do it to make room for more immigrant housing.
And most of those homeowners should never have built in fire prone area's to begin with.

Let 'em burn!

Sad - but it's true. It's the same with a hurricane prone region, earthquakes, etc. You know the threat and risk is there. Their insurance will cover most of their financial losses - if they insured themselves properly. They will just have to make new memories.

At least they're not saying that the federal gov't dropped napalm to start the fires.

During the fires, it dawned on a lot of people that the OC fire was burning in area's that had few structures and incredibly, were being eyed by developers.

And then we heard about how poorly equiped the the OC county fire authorities were, and we would need to buy or lease expensive aerial tankers and fire trucks.

Hmmmm...... the tax payer needs to buy 10's of millions of dollars of eqmt to put out fires in area's that should never get built up. And then everyone pay higher insurance premiums to subsidize the insurance for people who want to build back there.

"let 'em burn!!!!"

Well - ideally the market should take care of situations like that. Without government regulation those individuals should be charged appropriate insurance premiums to cover the risk, and it would not affect others as great.

I don't know anything about insurance in Cal - but what has happened in NJ is a textbook example of why the gov't needs to stay the frig out of the insurance industry... auto to be exact.

In NJ you have the high risk driver pool. I think you are put into this if you have 9 insurance points currently on your record (not sure I haven't lived in NJ in 4 years). The government forces those auto insurers to divide high risk drivers among them - yet regulates the premium that they can be charged to be covered. What you have, then, are higher premiums charged to the more responsible drivers to cover the risk that is not reflected in the premium that the high risk drivers are charged. All this was done because it was "unfair" that these folks that had horrible driving records had to pay very high premiums. Perhaps they will think of that next time when driving 110 down the turnpike.

Insurance is made more expensive also because you have lots of insurers pulling out of NJ, so there is less competition.

All this nets NJ in the #1 or 2 slot for most expensive auto insurance the last time I checked.
I don't agree with "let em burn". Honestly, as long as the governments of the local and state levels allow homes to be built there, they have the obligation to provide the appropriate emergency services as well. Orange county has 2 TWO helicopters for fighting fires. That is ridiculous, it doesn't matter how you look at it. They called LA, Ventura, Riverside and all the adjacent counties looking for resource help. Guess what, those counties had their hands full with their own fires.

When you, as a government, allow homes to be built in areas, you are obligated to provide schools, emergency services, parks and rec, etc. Until they stop allowing homes to be built in risk areas, they need to pay for the proper equipment to fight the fires in those areas.

Let the cities who built the homes in dangerous area's pay for it.

I see no reason I should subsidize wealthy people in south OC from their own mistakes.
Do you consider paying for schools, roads and other items subsidizing other communities? If you don't have children, do you think it's not fair to have to pay property tax for schools in your own community? Besides, those wealthy people are paying significant higher property taxes than you are. It's hardly subsidizing. I know if your own neighborhood were burning, you would be the first to scream about how the county didn't have enough firefighting helicopters.

Once again, as long as they are being given building permits to build there, then the government is allowing it to happen, and it is under the obligation to provide emergency services. Don't like it? Well then, do something to change it.

Orange county is too big to have only 2 firefighting helos. Let's be realistic here.
Mkloby, you got it correct.
New Jersey.
#1 for the highest insurance rates in the country.
#1 for the highest property taxes in the country.

I'm sure there are a few more but can't think of them right now.

But these fire zones that they're are building in should be cleared and maintained but too many special interest groups will block any of that. They should bear part of the cost for the fires for preventing safe fire practices.

Why should I have to pay for fire resources to protect the homes of people that shouldn't have built there in the first place. It was their cities who issued the permits. Let them work out the problems.

Let them, and their cities pay for it, not the vast majority of people (like myself) who dont live in fire prone area's (or flood plains either).

Two firefighting helo's is fine. A few more fire trucks are needed but thats it.

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