flyboyj and evan's flight adventure...sort of

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lesofprimus said:
Hey Eric, what time would be good to call you guys this evening??? Get all 3 of us onto one phonecall..... Whata pissa.......

I'm leaving the base in about 15 mins. Hope to hear from you Les!

Every one else - thnaks for the comments! Today flew back to my old town, spent about 10 mins in the soup because of a Pres. Bush visit close by. I took some pictures today, I'll have more later

Tomorrow night - Happy Hour with the Blue Angles!!!
What I love that NYI will never win a cup ever again because no matter who they have they just naturly suck,
But thats better than toronto Maple Leafs who Havent won a Cup for well over 30 years.
Today I met up with Eric - the weather was crap. T-6, F-18 and an L-39 along with a biplane and Zlin aerobatic plane were the only things that flew. Eric got some good shots, I'm sure he'll post them here.....

At these shows you meet some characters. Met a B-24 pilot an F-94 WSO and a F9F pilot. I'm leaving a day early cause of weather, will update accordingly.....

They were supposed to put on a banquet for us, don't know if it's going to happen - I'm going to the "O" club for a few pints!!!!

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