Flying Movie

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Airman 1st Class
May 26, 2021
What is your favorite quote from a flying movie?
Let me start with "To Fly Herr Leutnant." (from the Blue Max).
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a great film. Great cast. great script. They don't make films like that any more.
Now film makers have great technology, sophisticated and advanced film making capabilities, advantages of every kind, yet the old films, even with their flaws, come out as more entertaining and interesting when compared to today's productions.
If you think we're going to gamble on Herr Hitler's guarantees, you're making a grave mistake. All those years in England seems to have left you none the wiser. We're not easily frightened. Also we know how hard it is for an army to cross the Channel. The last little Corporal who tried came a cropper. So don't threaten or dictate to us until you're marching up Whitehall... and even then we won't listen!

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