Just for information, I've had problems accessing the Forum for the past 2 weeks because of a Google 'Suspected Malware Site Warning' which prevented me from logging on or viewing the site. This is still coming up but by deactivating a security filter on this computer I seem to have regained access. I mention this just in case this warning is genuine, as there could be a danger of downloading trojans/viruses from the site, if it is infected.
I am currently in the UK, using my daughter's computer, so have had to suspend the build for the next week, or so. However, I brought photos of progress to date. Photos 1 2 which are of my painting and detailing of the engine, gun platform and machine guns. Photos 3 4 are of a dry fit of the pieces in position. I'm trying to figure out the minimum of trimming to get things to fit before gluing anything in place. I've reduced the jpegs as much as I can but I don't have my usual reduction software here, so I apologise in advance if they're still too large.
Assuming that I can regain access to the Forum from my home computer, I will continue to update the thread as as the build progresses.