GB#21 - Pacific Theatre of Operations

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Might as well get this rolling. My choice is going to be a P-51D from the 45thFS/15thFG based out of Iwo Jima in 1945 similar to this one...

I have forever liked these markings. Most of the profiles I've seen are wrong about the spinner colors and some show stripes on the bottom surfaces that didn't exist.

Well then......
I've got an F4F-3, Second Lieutenant Carl R. Davidson USMC, VMF-211, MAG-22, Naval Air Station, Wake Island. He was the last Marine pilot lost from the W.I. action. Plane 211-F-9.
The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously). Second Lieutenant Davidson went up to fight two full squadrons of Japanese aircraft on 22 December, and, with only one other Marine plane for assistance, pressed home a vigorous attack against the large hostile force, diverting many enemy planes from the raid on Wake before he was shot down at sea following a fearless engagement with six Japanese fighter craft. He gallantly gave his life for his country.


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P-38J-15-LO "Down Beat"
Unit: 80th FS, USAAF
Serial: T (42-104012)
Richard Bong flew this bird on the 12th of January '44, when he shot down a Japanese Ki-43.

Now, if I can find Tally Ho's decal sheet 48-032, we have another contender!
I want to do something a bit unusual

MS406 C-1 No 307 Matricule Militaire EC2/596, based at Tong, French Indochina early 1941

Wurger has been helping me track down a suitable kit for the build. i think ive found a 1/72 online version of the Hasegawa kit that covers this pretty well. just waiting for the financial controller to say okay


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I like where you are going with this. It would be cool to do a Farman as well.

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