GB#21 - Pacific Theatre of Operations

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For the time being I want to keep this simple. I've got the 1/32 Tamiya A6M2. It hasn't been started, except that the green in the cockpit was painted before the freeze up. Would it be ok if I submitted it? I know it's been done before, I just want to make sure. I'm thinking it may also finally be time to do Hammy's Corsair, are you doing yours Karl?
No problems here Cory. I think Andy mentioned something about his Corsair. So if he does one, and you and Karl do one and I've got the decals to do one as well.......

I wish mate, all my kits in storage while we live at the in laws
Man Karl, I'd be going through major withdrawal by now if I were in you're place. I've been busy the last few week and have not had time to do any building. I can feel the shakes coming on already.

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