GB#21 - Pacific Theatre of Operations

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No idea myself, sorry mate...

Thanks everyone for the feedback on my question, much appreciated!

Have to agree with Andy (CR) though that being prepped but not actually deployed probably does put Tiger Force out of the running in this particular build. Oh well, another time.

I do like the look of Andy's (Wildcat's) Lanc, but the purpose of the question was to model a 75 (NZ) Sqn. Lincoln. Do appreciate the pics though Bill and Andy!
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hmmm would you guys be able to narrow down a specific Il-2 aircraft if I could post the squadron ?

Its Japanese theatre related bonus points if you can guess when this occurred wait this still fits as Pacific Theatre?
so I could find on the net the Russians in the offensive of 1945 August 8-9 were composed of three air units, the 9th Air Corps, the 10th Air Force and 12th Air Force, but this far I have come I did not find nothing I can serve, I do also want to know which aircraft had ...
The 10th Air Army consisted of :

The 29th Fighter Aviation Division with 307th,534th,308th,911th Fighter Aviation Regiments endowed with Yak9 and Yak-3 planes.
The 53rd Long Range Bomber Aviation Division with the 10th Long Range Bomber Aviation Division - Il-4 and Pe-8 bomber
The 83rd Bomber Aviation Division - DB-3B, Il-4,Tu-2 and Pe-2 bomber
The 254th Fighter Aviation Division with the 912th,300th,301st,302nd Fighter Aviation Regiments equipped with Yak-9 and Yak-1/3.
The 777th Separate Fighter Aviation Regiment armed with Yak-9M and Yak-9D.
The 7th Separate Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment - equipment unknown
The 18th Assault Aviation Corps- Il-2 and Il-10*
The 128th Assault Aviation Division - Il-2 and Il-10*
The 255th Assault Aviation Division - Il-2 and Il-10*
The 253rd Assault Aviation Division - Il-2 and Il-10*

The 12th Air Army consisted of :

The 245th Fighter Aviation Division with the 351st,718th,781st,940th Fighter Aviation Regiments endowed with : the 351st - La-5FN, the 718th and the 940th - Yak-9 and Bell P-63, the 781st - Bell P-63
The 246th Fighter Aviation Division with the 22nd,70th,350th,356th Fighter Aviation Regiments using : the 22nd,70th - Yak-9, the 350th - La-5FN and La-7, the 356th - Yak-3.
The 30th Bomber Aviation Division - Tu-2 and Pe-2 bomber
The 247th Bomber Aviation Division - Tu-2
The 248th Assault Aviation Division - Il-2 and Il-10*
The 12the Separate Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment - equipment unknown
The 7th Bomber Aviation Corps - Tu-2

The 113th Separate Bomber Aviation Division with the 5th,815th,836th Bomber Aviation Regiments - Tu-2

* Not sure about the Il-10 though. Also not too many pictures I found. Hope these can help. All were taken during the Russian-Japan war in August 1945.

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Some of you know that I collect Orders and medals and
It is for the
398 Assault Aviation Regiment, 96 Assault Aviation Division, 18 Aviation Corps, 10 Air Army, 2 Far Eastern Front

I own Lt. Smirnov's Order of the Red Star and Order booklet and would like to make a commemorative Il-2 in model form since he flew it on his mission, this is
his only World War 2 order, other attained later for long service in the 60s,

well photobucket is down so I'll post his photo some other time

He received the Order of the Red Star for 5 combat sorties in Sunwu and neighboring area from August 12th to 17th 1945 there is a nice section describing his actions written by one of the former owners of the Order online, the citation is very interesting.

I'm just not sure if it is possible to narrow down an exact aircraft or even color scheme for the squadron.
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An additional info I found ..

The 6th Bomber Aviation Corps - Tu-2 attached to the 7th Bomber Aviation Corps of the 12th Air Army.
Since the Ki is in the bucket for me till I find a proper glue, Just throwing this idea out there, is it ok to do a Japanese Hurricane Mk.IIb ? (specifically the 64th Sentai one )

It fits in Pacific, but although it would have been better for a previous GB just missed out on that one due to school.
There were 2 used for testing and 1 was flown by the 64th Sentai, some sources have it being flown by a couple of the squadron's aces. There is a good article in this Japanese book on Captured aircraft that I will need to translate (it has an all White marking similar to other 64th aircraft)

Another aircraft is photoed with drop tanks (or gun bay can't make it out) but it looks like it has the marking of the Japanese Test squadron.

Also great amounts of pictures on the aircraft in general. I'll post the topic soon.

If all goes downhill I could always do a Il-2 that represents the pilot whos Order of the Red Star I have as an homage
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