GB-43 1/48 Bf-110 G-2 - Aces' Aircraft of all Eras

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Thanks for all the good vibes

In case anyone hasn't heard about it, the Tyson plant fire. What that means to me is that at the Cargill plant in High River, where I work shunting trailers,there is talk about running 6 days a week until probably March, and so far we've been doing that for the last few weeks already. Good for the pocket book........but not much else. On the other hand the day and afternoon shifts will probably end up doing 7 days a week but nights, not so much although I can see a bit of juggling going on. Our plant, by the way can process up to 4500 head a day.

Anyway,on with the show such as it is......
The Eduard kit, like every other kit on the market, is a series of compromises intended to leave an impression, some are good, others OK, and some........well not so much. What is what all comes down to what the expectation of the beholder is.......what's worth adjusting and whats better off taking a dive into file 13. Case in point is the roll over protection, here we see what looks to be an early version, one thing to note is how the braces on the top are squared and attach to the canopy frame work.

And then there is the Eduard version, note the shape and location of the canopy attachment points.

The Eduard bits line up on the outside of the canopy frames so I've decided to shorten the stub and leave it at that. Truth is if one wants to get anal about it there is so much more back there to drive one batty and I want to finish this one within my expected lifespan while maintaining what little illusion of sanity I have.

Next up is the seat, Eduard would have you simply drape the belts over the back, wrong. The seat remained unchanged through out production and was the same, or similar to what was in the early 109's, so if you want to add belts just grab a set of 109 belts and you are good. While this one is 110C it is typical.

At least Eduard was kind enough to leave an impression as to where the slit in the back should be.

Now this tool is genius, Dirt cheap on Ebay from China and the only thing I did is lubricate the swivel at the top, no muss no fuss one size fits all. Way nicer then a couple of pricier ones I've had.

Eduard kindly supplies 2 seats in this kit just in case you screw one up, like, you know, vac canopies.......

Now that tiny little bit you might be able to make out stuck on the end of the toothpick actually comes from an HGW seat belt set for the 109,the very bottom right corner of the etch fret. Unfortunately they lied, there is only enough straps for one plane, well at least in the set I got so I've decided to use some etch belts from another set.


This set is pretty good value for what you get, with some extra goodies even.



and then there is what it's supposed to look like.......

Stolen from another thread on here just can't remember which one.

And finally the pilots lounge area

The rudder pedals actually came from another HGW set for the 190 that also includes rudder pedals, but I figure that in most cases the kit pedals will do in the 190's as they are nicely buried in the cockpit but the ones in the 110 are a bit more obvious. Originally I was going to go with the kit parts.........


Add a couple of straps and good to go........
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Actually I got mine as a single item for $2.38 shipped, After a quick search it seems that at the very least you get a set of drill bits with it if you don't want the (cheap) fancy vise, 1PC 0.3-3.2mm Mini Aluminum Manual Hand Drill Chuck Twsit Micro Drill Bit Tool, I'd seriously doubt that the bits wouldn't be crap, based on previous experience. Still even at that price with the bits in my view it would still be well worth it.
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I doubt it unless the shank is only slightly larger then 7/64, and by the pic I'd say yours are a tad bigger, as that's the largest drill bit I can put in it.
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Time for a bit of an update, this time around I tried using vallejo's chipping fluid over Humbrol's Metal Cote, with mediocre results on the pilots seat using Vallejo's RLM 66, and a complete bust on the floor of the rear compartment using Lifecolor's RLM 02 (for I think obvious reasons
but hey, I had to try it) anyway here is a before and after shot of the pilots chair


And a before pic of the rear compartment

One thing I'll say is if you want good adhesion using Lifecolor paints spray it over thinned Chipping fluid when it's thinned with water, I couldn't scratch the stuff hardly, so what I ended up doing was dry brushing the MetalCote on and buffing it with a Qtip, maybe a bit overdone but I'm happy with the results



Good stuff Tim. I haven't heard much good stuff about Vallejo Chipping Fluid but I'd like to see for myself. Vallejo Model Air doesn't/didn't get much support but I haven't had any problems with the primer or the paint
Thanks guys, sorry I've been a bit distracted lately, so more progress in the near future.
Geo, it might be me but I didn't have a lot of luck with it using Vallejo paint, and no luck using Lifecolor. Maybe a few more kicks at the can but I'm tempted to try something else.

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