GB-43 1/48 Bf-110 G-2 - Aces' Aircraft of all Eras

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Ah yes, but those are Dragon's molds, and Dragon was in a different league then Eduard was at the time they put out the 110. The 110 is very much a transitional kit going from short run to mainstream injection molding, which may, or may not involve as much the design philosophy as the technology itself. And given that the new Airfix Blenheim has sink marks and some annoying ejector marks whereas the 110 has neither, I think they made the best compromise for the time. Their 1/72 110 kits are in another league altogether.
Time to post an update
Everything all painted up

And all put together, and ya, the seat and roll bar are a bit misaligned, earlier on I broke one side of the roll bar loose and had to re-glue the......ahem....thing . It looks worse in the pic, then in person.

And a test fit, so far so good

Liking it Tim. Maybe I missed it but what was the reasoning behind RLM 66 for the pilot's section and 02 for the rest?
Well for me, anyway, period interior pics are a bit thin on the ground and the ones that are available seem to be a bit ambiguous or are very light in the rear for not just the 110 but the 210 and 410 as well, the preserved 110 G-4's rear cockpit is in it's original 02. I think it's more likely that it has been an assumption then proven that the rear cockpit was painted in 66, so for my own taste I've gone with the 02 rear cockpit.

110 D

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Weeellll we had a little boo boo.........ok maybe a big Faux Pas.......sigh, essentially glued the nose cannon base instead of the nose MG base into the nose.....

Nothing else to do but man up and pull out the power tools, At first A cut off saw, and after a swipes with a scalpel I figured I would shortly be cutting my thumb in half I chucked up a milling tool to finish things off.

The surprising thing is that even though I had flooded the thing the day before with Tamiya's Extra Thin, by working the knife blade I was able remove some of the plastic from the slots which saved a lot of work getting things to line up.

One thing to watch for is if the front bulkhead, to which the air bottles are glued, is glued in vertically, it will not clear the cannon exit holes, so I glued mine in at an angle. I'm not doing anything more then I need to to mount the guns as I'm not opening this area up.

Going back to the short run analogy, the joint between the nose and the fuselage needs a bit of cleaning up, the lip on the nose that slots into the groove in the fuselage needed to be trued up with a knife as it was pretty crude and the groove in the fuselage was a bit uneven, but with a bit of care all fit very well

The top cover is also a bit on the short side, one could sand down the nose to suit but I think it would be better to add a shim to the back.

It's also slightly high at the fuselage joint, given the thin plastic at this point I will probably sand the bottom off a touch
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So after the aforementioned fiasco I managed to get the cockpit and fuselage sans nose completed.the fit is actually pretty good so very little filler used. One does have to take a fair amount of care as it's very easy to get things twisted and out of alignment. It's better not to use the panel lines as a guide as they are very slightly misaligned.

Here the nose is assembled, I just installed the MG mounts, waiting for the glue to dry then it will get a coat of gloss black inside as looking through the cockpit you can see the bottom of the nose. Also added a shim to the back, waiting for that glue to dry to finish trimming.

And getting the wings ready for some assembly. The tabs need to be thinned to fit into the fuselage slots, a couple of swipes with a knife fixes that problem.


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