G'day from ANOTHER Aussie!!

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Jan 28, 2010
Adelaide, South Australia
G'day fellas!!

Just to keep the Aussie ratio up, I thought I should join.

Always been interested in all things aeronautical although mostly with my feet on the ground, sadly.

I have a keen interest in Australian Military History and collect war medals to Australians as well as building models of Australian military items. When I can, I try and combine both hobbies and build a kit of something related to a medal group I have in my collection - which includes aircraft.

I am also wanting to build a model of some of the aircraft my uncles flew in WWII - but more on that for another thread.


Strewth, another Aussie Orc
we sit idly by while their numbers grow
Middle Earth will fall and a new age of darkness will be upon us

Welcome fella
Hey thanks for the warm welcome, fellas (and ladies?)
Already I've received some valuable help and I hope that, as time goes on, I can return the favours - if not to the ones involved, then at least to others.
Geeze.... another "digger". You'll fit in just fine, Mate. Wayne and the others from the land of Oz will be glad to
greet you. Enjoy the place, I sez......


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