Germans crying in their beer

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Pacific Historian
Jun 4, 2005
Orange County, CA
Budweiser!!!! King of Beers!!!

MUNICH, Germany - In the cavernous back room of Munich's famous Augustiner beer hall, Heiko Hofrichter sits at one of the long wooden tables, takes a sip of his thick brew, and explains why German soccer fans just can't swallow the fact that America's Budweiser is the official beer at the World Cup, which opens today.

"For Germans, Bud tastes like watered-down beer. It's not beer," complained Hofrichter, 24, a graduate student from the city of Nuremberg.

"It's Spuelwasser!" cried Robert Paustian, 32, from another table in the boisterous beer hall, using the German word for dishwater.

Other Germans haven't reacted so politely.

Since Anheuser-Busch's Budweiser paid $40 million for the "pouring rights" at the 12 World Cup stadiums across the country, anti-Bud Web sites have flourished on the Internet, calling for solidarity in boycotting the American brew.

Chat rooms for German soccer fans have been flooded with complaints about the prospect of having to replace a local pilsner with a Budweiser draft.

"If it's a German World Cup, the beer sponsors should be German," said Harald Paustian, 30, who was drinking a beer with his brother on a recent evening.

It's no secret that Germans love their beer -- they are the second largest per capita beer consumers on the globe, behind the Czechs. Beer halls like this one in Munich's central district are popular spots for all generations.

"We respect the Germans' pride in their beer," said Tony Ponturo, vice president of global media and sports marketing for Anheuser-Busch. "But we are proud of Budweiser and what it's about. We think this is about giving consumers a choice."

But perhaps nowhere is the disappointment over Bud's presence stronger than in Munich, where the opening World Cup match will pit Germany against Costa Rica today.

This is the Bavarian city famous for its Hofbrauhaus and yearly Oktoberfest. Beer-drinking songs have been written about the city's historic beer halls.

Making matters worse, locals here say, is the other big American sponsor in the stadium.

McDonald's will be the main food vendor of the World Cup. Some German ticket holders say it's bad enough they will be sipping Budweiser at kick-off. But instead of pretzels, sausages and mustard, fans fear they'll only have french fries and Big Macs.

"It's like going to an American basketball game and having Nuremberg sausages. It's just not right," Hofrichter said.

The decision on Budweiser's corporate sponsorships for the World Cup was made long ago, before Germany was named the host country, according to the tournament organizer, the Federation Internationale de Football Association, or FIFA. Each of the 12 stadiums may serve local and regional specialties in addition to McDonald's food, FIFA said in a statement.

The debate over Budweiser at the World Cup isn't simply more anti-Americanism. It's just a matter of taste.

"We don't make anything that you can compare it to. We just don't make that kind of beer. Why would we, when you can drink this?" Hofrichter said as he raised his glass of local weissbier (wheat beer) in a toast.


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Whats really funny is that Mr. Bud himself, syscom, posted the info on a country of Bud haters.... I think it shows a great sense of humor and resposibility for a man to come to terms with the truth and throw himself at the mercy of our court...

Syscom, we relieve u of ur Budwieser responsibilities, and allow u to now consume good beer... When u have consumed the good ones for a period of 45 days, we will allow u to advance into the realm of great tasting beers....

Congratulations!!! U are on the road to recovery, and have taken the first small steps on ur way to Anti-Buddom....

Got news for you Syscom they are not serving Budweiser at the World Cup. They are only advertising it because of the fact that they paid the 40 million dollars for the rights. Fifa is not allowing Budweiser to sell its beer and they are not allowing alcoholic beer in the stadiums anyway. They are selling Becks Alkohol Frie Bier which is a German non alchoholic beer.

Everyone in the world besides you knows that Budweiser sucks!
Bud is real crap, its one of the ones you avoid abroad(or anywhere), along with the dreaded Gösser(Osterreichische tramp piss brau). Why would any one drink that crap when there 100s of great real ale brewerys especially in Germany!
I infact live next to a great brewery. Real small but makes some of the best German beer I have ever had. Lichtenauer

When pD was visiting in Germany for Rock im Park he said something that I thought was not only true but real and that was "The reason you can get Budweiser anywhere in the world is because any bartender can piss in a bottle and call it Budweiser."
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
When pD was visiting in Germany for Rock im Park he said something that I thought was not only true but real and that was "The reason you can get Budweiser anywhere in the world is because any bartender can piss in a bottle and call it Budweiser."

:lol: :lol: :lol: So true!
Adler send me a local Bierdeckel would ya ? ! ;) actaully a glas of your next door brew sounds poretty good right now as it is raining cat's and dogs.

Bud = dog piss
It is beautiful weather right now. Sunny and 30 degrees celsius. Perfect weather for a nice cold Lichtenauer Helles.

lowering my head in disappoinment I go to the frig and pull out a glas of strawberry wein

bud = piss

yee haw ♪ ♫ ♪
either she is going to drop the Mass's in her left hand or is going to dump a load of brew on the guy hiding behind that fake partition that tried to pinch her ***

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