Gliders Photos

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First FRADU Hunters. These were used for training in electronic warfare as well as the normal 'day job' of being targets. The gun pack of the Hunter was removed and the space used for electronic devices of various types. Quite advanced for the day but obsolete by today's standards, notice the electronics on 865

Next the Lightning

An early Nimrod
Jetstream from the day when the UK could build a decent set of aircraft
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When my airline was flying Beech 1900s, several of our competitors were flying these, which on the same horsepower had a more spacious and comfortable cabin and a max cruise 5 knots above our Vne. Our redline was 248 knots, and they could go 253, which put them on the other side of ATC's arbitrary dividing line between low performance and high performance aircraft. So in the scramble to stay on schedule going into and out of a major hub, they would get expedited handling while we got vectored around. We would often taxi into the ramp at JFK, EWR, DCA, or BOS in time to meet them taxiing out. Our saving graces were our takeoff and landing performance at smaller airports and our much less expensive and more reliable maintenance. Luca$$$ and $$Dowty$$ and $$Garrett$$ vs Lear Siegler, Hartzel, and Pratt & Whitney!!

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