Gnomey's Pictures (2 Viewers)

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Penultimate set from Galle before we move on...




On your first postings, everyone commented they liked the last one of the two C-47s. Since I'm currently modeling "Big Beautiful Doll" I'd have to go with the first picture showing the Mustang in pursuit of the FW-190. Beautiful shot! Do you have more on BBD?
Good afternoon. Great pictures from your collection. Have to admit it's quite impressive. I was intrigued by one of the first pictures you posted of the P-51D "chasing" after an Me-109. It appears the Mustang is Big Beautiful Doll. By any chance of you having any additional shots of this particular Mustang? I'm in the process of modeling a Guillow's P-51 to be finished as BBD. Any additional shots would greatly be appreciated.

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