Thanks, glad you're enjoying them!
I actually got a few more scenic shots this evening when I had to run a few errands. I thought about bringing the camera with me, because I had to go right by Churn Creek...glad I did, I'll post the shots in a while
* Wow...huge electrical storm passed through right after I posted this...
Anyway, I wasn't too happy with the way the creek photos came out, there was a thunderstorm rolling in, which created some weird light shadows...
The upside was, I was able to score some more lightning shots, even though I missed the best (and brightest) bolts, these did come out nice.
I'm also using a little bit different technique now, instead of shooting blind for two seconds, I'm using a setting that's much like a manual as long as I hold the release, the shutter stays open. I think the photos came out better than the last bunch I shot
IMG 1: Churn Creek (South-East area of Redding)
IMG 2: Lightning
IMG 3: More Lightning
IMG 4: And you guessed it: Lightning