Greatest aviation myth this site “de-bunked”.

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The only tanks dropped early were the 200/205 gal un-pressurized C/L Ferry tank somewhere 18K - often with half a tank of fuel remaining. Otherwise drop when attacked. BTW that is why ALL Combat Radius charts are prepared based o longest datum for which a fight and return flight home is solely on internal fuel available.
I was just referring to the radii with dates for the P-47 and Spitfire, until a certain number of missions had been made to push the LW back, putting tanks to go further didnt make a great deal of sense was how I saw things or is that wrong?
From 1943 - did the Germans really bomb Dover in July 1940 with Chesapeakes?

Not from this site, but on the topic of debunking, a couple of people dug into the story of the RAF dropping a wooden bomb on a fake German airfield which
was occupied by fake wooden aircraft as decoys - to make fun of them.

Seems the root of the story was pretty much a paragraph in a book which amounted to "some guy I once knew said that a thing happened", (a bit like the P-38 story)

The "wooden bomb" which is on display, was pointed out not to be a fake bomb either >


Most people agreed that although it was immensely unlikely to be true, they would carry on
sort of believing it because it was "a nice story".

Of course, this forum finally debunked the myth that the P-39 had an armoured heater in the nose .................
Actually it did have an armored heater, just not very good.


The armor plate went around the gear box, protecting the long heating device behind the propeller with 30 single use fast acting heat tubes in the horseshoe :)

I'll get my coat...............................

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