Greatest Fighter Pilot Revisited... New Poll Listings....

Greatest Fighter Pilot of WWII.....

  • Ivan Kozhedub

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alexandr Pokryshkin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hiroyoshi Nishizawa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tetsuzo Iwamoto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Erich Hartmann

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hans Joachim Marseille

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Werner Molders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heinz Bar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marmaduke Pattle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Johnson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Adolphus "Sailor" Malan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Richard Bong

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thonas McGuire

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • David McCampbell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Francis Gabreski

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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I agree...the Fact that Priller shot down more Spitfires than anyone should earn him a place on the list alone...
_And_ Leading Jagdgeschwader 26.

And I have a story..

101 victory ace, Josef "Pips" Priller, relates a perfect attack in 1941. "I saw a lone Spitfire in a north-westerly direction over land (France) at 6,000 meters. I flew after it, approaching to twenty meters without being observed. Then I opened fire with all my weapons from behind and beneath it. The bottom of the fuselage started smoking; pieces then broke off the fuselage and wings. The plane pulled up, stalled, and fell away to the left. I saw the Spitfire hit the water. The pilot had not bailed out."

:lol: One of 68 Spitfires...
ok then day fighter boyz it is. Heinz Bär it is without any doubt. the man flew all different a/c types with several different JG unit's from early on in the war through the hell of the Reichsverteidigung winding up flying rocket assisted Me 262's in EJG 2. Marseille didn't and Hartmann had easy pickings on the Ost front.
Perhaps we should terminate this poll and create one everyones happy with in the off-topic section or something...
I'm not really complaining, nor want to be a problem.. :\ Just trying to back up my opinion..

*shrug* I would do the same for Galland, but I don't know enough about him, like I said. :\

I'll just go with Marseille.
WE can redo the poll.. lock and remake a new one... I will eliminate the name that have no votes, and probably wont get any..

I tried to make is varied... Guess that wont work..
Im going to add Priller, Nowotny, Galland, Schnaufer

Any others I should add on there that I may have missed.....

Theres 8 guys with votes... Add in the 4 more I listed above.... Thats 12....

Who do u want me to add for the other 3?????

Erich, any other Nightfighters that might fit the bill other than Schnaufer????

Les, the highest scoring German nf pilots would be Helmut Lent with over 110.

Heinrich Prinz zu Sayn-Wittgenstein with 83.

my personal thoughts would be for a nf chap freind Heinz Rökker with 64 kills and still living. what a super guy

or maybe Paul Zorner with 59, still living
Erich, unless Im mistaken, Heinz Schnaufer was the leading NF Ace with 121 Kills, including 114 bombers....

Ill remake this thread with the following names.... Chime in if u can think of a change.....

1) James Johnson 38 Kills
2) Sailor Malan 32 Kills
3) Dick Bong 40 Kills
4) Thomas McGuire 38 Kills
5) Ivan Kozhedub 62 Kills

6) Hiroyoshi Nishizawa 87 Kills
7) Erich Hartmann 352 Kills 6 X P-51's
8) Erich Rudorffer 224 Kills 40 X Spits, 58 X IL2's (86 Kills West, 138 Kills East)
9) Heinz Bar 221 Kills 10 X P-51's, 10 X P-47's (125 kills West, 96 Kills East)
10) Heinz Schnaufer 121 NF Kills 114 X Bombers
11) Pips Priller 101 Kills 69 X Spits
12) Adolf Galland 103 Kills 50 X Spits
13) Walter Nowotny 259 Kills
14) Heinrich Bartels 99 Kills 14 X P-38's, 11 X P-51's, 9 X P-47's
15) Hans Marseille 158 Kills

Other Choices....
Helmut Wick 56 Kills 42 Kills BoB (Leading Ace) 24 X Spits
Gerhard Barkhorn 301 Kills
Werner Molders 101 Kills
Anton Hackl 192 Kills 34 X Bombers
Otto Kittel 267 Kills 94 X IL2's
Gunther Rall 275 Kills
Egon Mayer 102 Kills 12 X P-47's
Eino Juutilainen 94 Kills (Finnish)
Prince Constantine Cantacuzene 60 kills (Romanian)
Pierre Closterman 33 Kills
Greg Boyington 28 Kills
George "Buzz" Beurling 32 kills (Added NonSkim)

Any other Choices????
Speak up now.......
Marseille never flew those updated fighter because he never had the chance. His marksmanship was exceptional and IMO that places him above everyone else in the list.

C.C. a Brit who hasn't heard of Marmaduke Pattle or Sailor Malan? Oh that is rich! Malan only wrote the Ten Rules of air combat which was the basis of British tactics for the majority of the war.
Just a bit of random trivia - Roald Dahl flew in the same squadron as Pat Pattle and was in the same dogfight in which Pattle finally got shot down.
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