guess who

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My father told me once I was a kid a sort of joke. There was an ad for Lada Niva in the mid 90's - and because the niva cheese smells and so does the Lada, he paraphrased the two ads into one:

"Lada Niva - A car that smells like niva" :)
He he!

I did warn you I just pick random words up - there is a bit of a story with this, six years ago, I was at my Russian friends house in Switzerland (his parents work at CERN), and his parents had brought back all these beers from Russia called 'Trie Medvedya' - we pretty much demolished the lot in one afternoon - the same afternoon when the eclipse of 1999 happened. Though the cosmic event wasn't very impressive where we were, the beer was mighty good - and thats the story behind my user name! :lol:
Here's the label on the bottle.


  • medvedya_312.jpg
    18 KB · Views: 359
Tri medvediya is still a possessive case only in plural form.

Note: I'm not sure whether it is called possessive: I forgot all this school crap long time ago.
When I joined I never actually thought id stay here long so I just picked something random

Thats the same thing I did, I only planned on staying until I got the answer to a question I had so I just used my initials. But then I ended up sticking I wish I picked something better :rolleyes:

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