Gumby's Pics

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Master Sergeant
Apr 2, 2009
After looking at everyone else's amazing photos, I thought it must be about time to put my efforts up for the world to see.

We had an open day here at the beginning of December to commemorate Pearl Harbour. I was busy working for most of it, but here's a few pics:

That's the Ryan, ST-M it's the same aircraft in the 6th photo:

from NZ Warbirds Association.
Nice images gumbyk. That de Havilland Rapide brings back memories. One used to fly over our house every night when I was a kid. My Dad said it was the "mail plane" taking letters to Ireland.

Dad could always tell a good tale.
Thanks for posting those shots, thats a good set of pics you have (Love the 'Chippie' pic !)
While clearing out some dead branches and leave from a tree at our place, I had about half a dozen of these little critters jump down at me. This one is one of the smaller ones, about an inch and a half long. A couple of them were over 2 inches.

I introduce the New Zealand Weta...


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