Gumby's Pics

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Not pics by me, but a couple of pics that I'm in...
After the last airshow in 2011 I got the opportunity to act as the tail gunner for a WW1 photoshoot.

I thought I had uploaded these photos, but obviously didn't. There was a bit of an embargo on them while the photographer gave the opportunity to a couple of magazines to purchase the photos.
It was only a 20 minute sortie, and I was absolutely shattered afterwards.
It goves you a real appreciation for what the pilos and gunners went through in WW1.

The DV was flown by Kermit Weeks. So I guess I could say I got to shoot him down!
Yeah, and he's a great guy to boot. He gave me a CD with all the photos from this shoot. He just asked that I didn't post them publicly until he'd had a chance to sell them to anyone who wanted them. Which is why I've just posted the ones he has made public. Don't want to annoy him and possibly miss out on more of this sort of stuff
OK, I was out at the aero club this afternoon, and took Devon out with me.

He got to log his first PIC time...


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